Video Games & Animation
"Obey Me" is a frantic 3D Brawler that revolves around a duo of misfit demons as they fight hordes of mutants, hellish fiends and angelical contraptions alike. Set in the modern world, Heaven and Hell are locked in a millennial conflict for the souls of mankind. Vanessa Held, a lowly Soul Huntress in the infernal ranks, and her Hellhound companion, Monty, will tip the balance of war with their own hands.
Role: Marchosias
"Sam and Danni" is the first ever Episodic Adventure Map series to be released on the Minecraft Marketplace. Taking over a year of hard work and development to create, players can now join a host of colorfully voiced characters, as they leap between astonishing worlds to collect the missing fragments of the Master Block!
Roles: Captain Blockbeard, Sheriff, Banker, Undertaker, Sensei, Clan Leader, The Cave,
Director and Additional Voices
"Ancestors Legacy" is a squad-based real time strategy with a strong focus on tactics. Inspired by medieval European history, it brings to life four different nations and their conflicts, usually solved by war.
Role: King Edward, Rorik, Herkus Monte and Additional Voices
"Smoot" tells the story of a small leaf bunny who lives a peaceful life in a grand berry tree. One day however, tragedy strikes (literally) and everything is lost, Smoot must find a new home.
Role: Smoot
Pale Spectrum is a fantasy themed interactive visual novel with 30+ characters to interact with. There are multiple endings to the game depending on the choices you make, the relationships you follow and the paths you forge.
Role: Vasco
Eames & Berry is Film Noir inspired cartoon about two detectives who solve crimes in Boston Massachusetts during the late 1930's, funded by Disney XD by Maker, written and created by Forrest Whaley & Mason Howerton.
Role: Chief
The Journey Down is an episodic adventure video game developed by Skygoblin Games.
Role: Sidney
CURSE is an ongoing animated senior thesis project by GLASSoANIMATION, taking place in a fantasy driven steam-punk world where a bunch of rag-tag mercenaries try to make a living for themselves.
Role: Flynn
A stop-motion LEGO animated series based on the Marvel character "Deadpool". This project was written and animated by BrickFlix Studios.
Roles: Henchmen 1 & 2
A paid promotional campaign for "Lego: The Hobbit", written by Mason Howerton & Forrest Whaley. A series of episodic adventures centered around the main characters from The Hobbit films.
Roles: Bilbo Baggins, Balin
LEGO Justice League
A stop-motion LEGO animated series based on DC's "Batman" and "Justice League" characters. This project was written and animated by Atlas Animationz.
Role: Two Face
A stop-motion LEGO animated parody based on the first trailer for Warner Brothers "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice". This project was written and animated by Brick Flix Studios.
Roles: Batman, Superman
A stop-motion LEGO animated project based on DC's "Batman: Under the Red Hood". This project was written and animated by legogamr.
Roles: Batman